Heaven on Earth – listen to or read the 58 lectures from White Bear, the Native American Leader in spirit.

1. Message to the World

2. From Earth to Heaven

3. Serenity

4. Acknowledge the Truth

5. Simplicity

6. Make the World Unselfish

7. Supreme Love

8. Make Beautiful

9. In Progress

10. Sympathise

11. Leave War and Conflicts

12. The Pathway of Peace

13. Share your Wealth

14. Care For

15. Your Soul

16. Selfcentredness

17. Solve Conflicts

18. Love Peace

19. Brothers and Sisters

20. Children of the Earth

21. Your friend

22. Be Mindful

23. Seek Yourself

24. One Day

25. Never Give Up

26. The Power of Love

27. Conquer Yourself

28. Peace, Love & Honesty

29. Tolerance for All

30. The Golden Rule

31. Love One Another

32. World Peace

33. Bring Comfort to the Bereaved

34. Give a Helping Hand

35. Your Mind is Reality

36. The Sun is Rising Above the Horizon

37. Lose Yourself and Gain Heaven

38. Appraise and Advance

39. Peace Be With You

40. Egoism and Greed

41. Make a Difference

42. Our Mission

43. The Root of Evil

44. Overcoming Selfishness

45. Your Responsibility

46. There Are No National Borders

47. Listen to your world

48. United Nations

49. Reform your World

50. Politics and Governance

51. Human Rights

52. World Climate

53. World Security

54. World Social and Economic Development

55. World Justice

56. What a Wonderful World

57. Heal the world

58. Trust in God


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