The Spirit of Mina Crandon


Mina Crandon

Mina Margery Crandon

Mina Margery Crandon
(1888 – 1941)

“Margery” the Medium:
A Two Year Investigation of a
Physical Medium

This book about Mina Crandon will provide you with valuable knowledge about the challenges of the seance room, not least the hardship of physical mediumship.

“Margery” the Medium:
A Two Year Investigation of a Physical Medium –
Click to read

Margery - The Medium

Mina Crandon - A Two Years Investigation of Physical Mediumship

Mina Crandon - A Two Years Investigation of Physical Mediumship

Mina Crandon - Physical Mediumship

Mina Crandon - Physical Mediumship

Mina Crandon - What Jesus of Nazareth did, I did?

Mina Crandon - What Jesus of Nazareth did, I did?

Mina Crandon - Ectoplasm

Mina Crandon - Ectoplasm

Mina Crandon - Direct Voice

Mina Crandon - Direct Voice

Mina Crandon - Trance Speech & Telepathy

Mina Crandon - Trance Speech & Telepathy

Mina Crandon - Materialisation

Mina Crandon - Materialisation

Mina Crandon - Psychic and physical energy

Mina Crandon - Psychic and physical energy

Mina Crandon - Spirit footprints

Mina Crandon - Spirit footprints

Mina Crandon - Living Evidence

Mina Crandon - Living Evidence

Mina Crandon - God´s creation

Mina Crandon - God´s creation

Pictures from the investigation of Mina Crandon´s mediumistic abilities.

Mina Crandon - Ectoplasm

Mina Crandon - Ectoplasm

Ectoplasm (ectoplasmic independent voicebox) exuded from Mina Crandon´s ear.

Mina Crandon - Ectoplasmic spirit-hand

Ectoplasm exuded from Mina Crandon´s Solar Plexus, in the process of materialising a spirit hand trying to make a fingerprint.

Mina Crandon - Ectoplasmic spirit hand

The “shake hands” with a materialised spirit hand.

Mina Crandon - Ectoplasmic spirit-hand materialised from Solar Plexus

Mina Crandon was scrutinised to such a degree that she even nude gave evidence of Ectoplasm materialising spirit-hand from Solar Plexus.

Walter Stinson - Ectoplasmic spirit-hand materialised from Solar Plexus of Mina Crandon purports to be her brother Walter Stinson

Walter Stinson – Ectoplasmic spirit-hand materialised from Solar Plexus of Mina Crandon purports to be her brother Walter Stinson.

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