Spirit ID (SID) analysis is equivalent to a DNA analysis of terrestrial human beings searching for a profile match. While DNA analysis searches for biological evidence, SID seeks a match in knowledge. The SID analysis becomes unavailable when spirits reincarnate, equivalent to DNA loss. However, the evolutionary SID consists of previous lives and is eternal.
Spirit ID (SID) is the final evidential proof of survival after death.
Close acquaintances verify SID through multiple questions – a questionnaire answered by Telekinetic responses from the Spirit addressed –
Create a list of questions best suited to identify a specific individual.
Here are 10 YES or NO knowledge-based verification questions that can help verify Spirit Identity: (Spirits can respond with one thud for YES and two thuds for NO)
- Did you attend [specific high school name]?
- Is your birth month February?
- Did you live on [specific street name] in the past?
- Is your mother’s maiden name [specific name]?
- Did you work at [specific company name] in the past?
- Is your favorite color blue?
- Did you graduate in the year 1974?
- Is your father’s first name [specific name]?
- Did you ever own a car with the license plate [specific number]?
- Is your favorite book [specific title]?
These questions are designed to be specific to the individual and not easily guessed by others.