HEALING was received as Trance messages from the spirit world as part of the Spirit World Insights by White Bear.

White Bear communicated THE SPIRIT WORLD INSIGHTS from August 2011 to August 2012. You may read the messages from the Spirit World separately. They are essential for strengthening your spiritual awareness.


Search for the transcripts of your interest in the Book of Healing and listen to each individual message. All messages are available in the SPIRIT WORLD MESSAGES LIBRARY.

Jostein Strommen Foundation - 3 minutes meditation


Jostein Strommen Foundation - Spirit Podcast

Note –
Spiritual healing is about fate and destiny. Fate overrules, whether resolving karma or as predestined altruism, to aid your fellow beings with a life experience. You will know how to manage your destiny with spiritual insight, which is how you spiritually heal yourself. In this context, remember, you live on Earth many lives to learn and fully experience life. Always use medical expertise, which is verified healing through scientific research. Spiritual healing is a supplement.

  One World - Two dimensions - Share Spirit World Insight

Spirit World Communication