Category Archives: SPIRITUALITY


SPIRITUALITY – listen to or read the 25 lectures from White Bear, the Native American Leader in spirit.

1. Find your True Self

2. Trust in God

3. Love is the key

4. The Law of Causality

5. Beautify your spirit

6. The Power of Faith

7. Master Materiality

8. Live in Modesty

9. Gain Knowledge

10. Seek and You Shall Find

11. Rehearse

12. Walk with God

13. The Way of Life

14. Divinity

15. Stony Road

16. Passions of Life

17. The Higher Self

18. A Word of Honour

19. Listen to your Inner Self

20. Ask for Guidance

21. The Door is Open

22. Your Inner Voice

23. You Make Your Own Future

24. Oneness

25. Why Spirituality?


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25. Why Spirituality?

God is the past, the present and the future. Your true self, your spiritual self, is of God. The spirit that you have within yourself survives the physical death when you leave your physical body behind on the earth plane. Your true self, the spirit within, the divine spirit, will live on, has always been part of God, has always existed as part of eternity. You are all children of God, and only God knows your past, your present and your future. God is omnipresent and the wisdom of eternity.

My friend, do you want to know your true self? Do you want to know your Creator, your Father and Mother, God that you have within yourself, the spark that was given to you here on earth to keep your physical body alive? To find the answer to this question you will have to find your true self, you will have to search within, you will have to search in Mother Nature with all its revelations so you can understand yourself and your Father. That is spirituality. That is why you want to have the knowledge of spirituality yourself.

Now, spirituality is the answer, to heal yourself and to heal your world. The suffering of your world, the despair that you can see with your own physical eyes, that you are given every day on your television set, should be sufficient answer for why spirituality is of such vital importance in life, because spirituality is the wisdom that gives you the tools to repair your world, to heal your world.

People of the earth do not know themselves, they only see the material level. They have to heighten themselves; they have to see that the spiritual aspect is foremost in their lives. That is where they will find their treasure in life. That is where they will find love, true love, in oneness with their Creator, with their Father in heaven.

But what kind of wisdom will spirituality give you? It will give you the wisdom of God, that you are an eternal being, that you are here on earth to attend the school of life, to raise yourself, to find your true self, to see that the passions of the earth are there for you to master, that they are there as part of your physical self so you can have the opportunity to see that selfishness, greed, vanity, the misuse of power and the lust of the physical flesh are there for you to use you intellect to master, to control and to conquer in life.

Why spirituality? Why materiality? Materiality and spirituality go hand in hand for you to learn life, for you to find your true self. You are here on the material level to climb the ladder of spirituality, to enter the gate of God’s wisdom, and you will find that wisdom within spirituality, within your self, within your real spiritual self. Materiality is the school of life, where spirituality will emerge when you evolve and use your intellect to see all the creations and the revelations of God. Everything is given to you for you to understand yourself and for you to bring love to this earth plane, because that is your mission, to bring love, to heal your world, to raise yourself above the passions of the earth plane, the passions that keep you down, that hold you down.

With spirituality you will find the wisdom of life, you will find peace of mind, you will find the true happiness that you can have on the earth plane, you will find the real life, you will understand that when you climb the ladder of spirituality, you will come into a position where you get the right perspective on life, where you will see that the material life, the life here on earth, the family that you were raised within, all the events that you experienced in life, were there for you to evolve, to come to your self and your Creator, because your ultimate destination is to be in oneness with God in love, because God is love, God is unconditional love and he wants you as his child to be one with him, to be in his consciousness of love, because that is where you came from, that is where you were made, that is where the creation has its centre, its wonderful beauty and you can find this beauty within yourself, this treasure of life, this bright light that you can find within your own self.

When you heighten yourself to such a degree as Christ did, then you will know that you are one with God, with your Father, and that you are of the mightiest power in the universe, the mightiest force there is, and that power is of love. You can find this power within yourself, you can be part of this power of love, and you can take part in the healing work in your world, when you find yourself, when you see that love is everything in life, when you see that God is love, and that you yourself must become love to find your true self, to heal yourself, to be part of the great mission on your earth plane to heal your world, to tell the truth of life that there is no death, that you are here on earth to raise yourself spiritually, to find your oneness with God, with the power of love in the universe.

What a wonderful message we have for you, my friend. What a wonderful message we have for the world. We are here to tell you the truth that there is no death, that you are an eternal being, that spirituality is the answer to heal your world, to heal yourself, to find your real self.

In spirituality there is pure Love,
In spirituality there is Honesty
In spirituality there is Charity
In spirituality you Share your Resources
In spirituality there is Happiness
In spirituality there is Peace
In spirituality there is Kindness and Friendliness
In spirituality there is Care
In spirituality there is Health
In spirituality you find your Treasure
In spirituality you find your True Self
In spirituality you find the Wisdom of God
In spirituality you become one with God in his consciousness of Love

There is your answer, my friend.

Spirituality is your pathway to your Father in heaven, to the heaven within yourself, to the beauty that you were given at birth, to your spiritual self.

Spirituality will heal and bring comfort to your world.

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24. Oneness

God created male and female in his picture. God, the Creator, created you. God gave you birth here on earth to evolve as a spiritual being. And as a good parent, he has supplied you with a school here on earth where you with your physical body can be exposed to passions that are there for you to master, the passions of selfishness, greed and vanity that give you the choice between truthfulness and untruthfulness, that give you the choice between honesty and dishonesty, that give you the choice of doing good or doing evil, because you have been given the choice, the free will, to be in a position to raise yourself, and if you did not have your free will, you would merely be robots, and that is not the creation of God, that is the creation of the mechanical world, your earth plane.

God wants you, every one of you, to find your true self, to find the treasure that you can build up within yourself, that you can attain with your higher self. As you have from your scriptures, Christ said that “I and my Father are one”, and so are you, my friend, you are part of God, but to become in oneness with your Creator and his unconditional love, you will have to meet that love, you will have to be in that picture, if not, you set yourself apart from the consciousness of love.

To be in oneness with God in love is your ultimate destination. When you climb the ladder of spirituality and you are truthful to yourself, then you will find the spiritual spark within that you were given at birth. This spirit is of God, a child of your Almighty Father. When you know that you have the divine spirit within yourself, then you will start to nourish this spirit with your spiritual awareness you will start to get the right perspective in life, you will understand that life is there for you to develop your spiritual self, you will understand that when you give love you will receive love from your Father, you will connect yourself to the source of life, you will leave selfishness behind, you will attend to your fellow beings and help wherever you can, you will have people that are asking for your assistance and you will help people that are in despair, you will look out on your world and you will understand that selfishness is a major obstacle, it blocks people´s minds from knowing the truth of life, knowing that they are one, that they are all children of God.

My friend, look upon your own being, your human physical body, the creation. When your Father says to you that he created you in his picture, you will understand that you are all connected, because you are in his picture, in his oneness, in his physical self. Imagine that you are part of this self, that you are just a small cell in this universe and your interaction with all the other cells keeps the body well. But when you distort or separate yourself from this body, or do not cooperate with other cells, that is, if you set yourself apart or in your selfishness only care for yourself, then you must understand that the body that you are within does not behave in perfect order, because your Creator, your Father, is love, and selfishness is contrary to love.

You yourself influence your world with your thoughts and your actions even though it seems a small interaction. You are part of the whole. My friend, when there are cells within your own body that do not behave to fulfil your wellbeing, you become ill and you feel unwell. That is how your world is today. Your world is suffering, and you know that children are suffering from hunger in many places in your world, and when your own body suffers, you take action, go to a physician and take the right medicine and try to heal yourself. And that is what you are here on earth for. You have a mission to heal your world, to heal the creation of your Father. Remember that God created you in his picture as a male and a female, so you could find happiness and be one. The woman and the man are an example of oneness when they love each other, because then they become one, one in the picture of their Creator.

You yourself are of God, and the world, the universe and all there is, is of God, and everything is in order. Every atom is in its place and in its exact place, because it is governed by the law of causality, the law of cause and effect. Reach for the love of your Father, so you can be his hands within the creation, so you can heal yourself and heal your world. Heal the creation, become part of the healing work, so every spiritual being on the earth plane can find the truth in life, so they can find their Father, so they can know that life is oneness, that God and his children are one. But to attain your higher self, the consciousness of God, the consciousness of love, you will have to heighten your spiritual self; you will have to find the love that you were made of.

Do not set yourself apart. Find the truth of life. Reach for the love of your Father that you can pour over your pathway in life, and you will build the treasure, the heaven within, to such a beauty, to such a paradise that you can attain true felicity of mind, true peace of mind. You can be a messenger of God, an angel that comes to the world with the hands of God so your world can raise itself from all the suffering, from all the cruelty, the violence, the misunderstanding, the miscomprehension of life. There is no death. You are an eternal being. You are made of the elements in the universe, as are the stars, according to your Father´s mind, and that mind is of love. And you, my friend, can have that wisdom within yourself today, it is attainable, it is there for you, when you raise your hand and ask for guidance, when you ask in your prayer and ask for his presence. Oneness is the only truth, oneness in love is of God, and you can be part of his mind, the mind of God, have his wisdom and find peace within.

Spirituality will heighten your self, will raise your spiritual self, will find the divine spirit that you were given at birth, that spirit that you truly are, your true self.

The wisdom of oneness, the wisdom of God can elevate your world, can release your world from suffering, from the despair that your world is creating. Your world is part of the creation; part of God and in oneness with the creation. Start today, my friend, to give your hand to your world, so you can take part in the healing work, the mission to heal yourself and your world.

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23. You Make Your Own Future

My friend, today is your future. When on earth you reflect on time and space, but in our world there is neither time nor space. How can there be time, when you are an eternal self? How can there be any space when we can move ourselves by thought. As we think, we are. We build ourselves by our thoughts and by our deeds. Your thoughts make your self. As you have from your scriptures that from the beginning was the word, the thought, and there was wisdom behind everything, and so it is today. There is only one law, nature’s law the law of cause and effect, and you, your whole being and your whole world have to comply with this law, as you understand, from science in your world, the law of forces that interact to keep equilibrium.

Everything is governed by nature’s law, the law of God. You have your free will on the earth plane, and you have your free will in the world beyond, but there you also have limitations according to your spirituality, which you do not have on this material level. On the earth plane, you have the freedom to live your life as you please you can do evil and you can do good, and all these thoughts of yours are governed by your free will. But you must remember that there is a universal law, the law of cause and effect, and it is in action for your thoughts as well. When you bring charity or exploit other human beings, when you bring happiness or misery, you will reverse your thoughts towards yourself, because the law of cause and effect has a mathematical precision. You cannot hide from this law, but you can restore yourself by heightening yourself spiritually, because then you will know that love is the answer to expiate your faults, your mistakes in life, so you can find yourself, so you can raise yourself and find your true self.

You make your own future. Your future is today, and in that context, you can perceive that your life on earth is influenced by your own thoughts, by your deeds, and thus you can raise yourself spiritually and find a peaceful and happy life when on earth. You can raise yourself above materiality and gain spirituality where your true self is. In the spirit world you will find that what you sowed, you will reap, and what you gave of yourself, you will receive.

Bring clarity to your mind. There is no such thing as a certain belief for attaining life, because there is no death, because everyone is eternal, all of you are eternal beings, and when you leave your physical body, it has accomplished its function on earth. Then your spiritual self will live on, because that spirit within can never die. The spirit is part of the Almighty Spirit, your Father that gave you birth here on the earth plane to learn, to attend the school of life, so you could find yourself, so you could raise yourself spiritually, so you could find your Father within, so you could become in oneness with his consciousness of love, because that is your ultimate destination, to become one with God, in that light of love. That is your future, my friend, but you can have this future within you. Find the spirit within, so you can build your heaven on the earth plane, so you can find your treasure. You can be part of God´s light on earth and you can go forward and show this light to everyone that crosses your pathway in life, so you can show the way, so you can be the light as Christ was. He was the light, the truth and the life, and so can you be, my friend. You can find your true self, you can be one with your Father, because your Father is unconditional love and he wants you to be one in him, he wants every child of his to be in his oneness, to be in his love.

That is where we all want to be, because that is where you will find supreme peace of mind, that is where you will evolve and find true happiness, and that is where you yourself become a messenger of God, where you become an angel of God. Yes, you can be godlike, because you can give love, you can judge, you can bring charity, you can help every child that crosses your path in life, you can sow the fruits that will bring a beautiful garden in your mind and for your brothers and sisters on earth. See, my friend, you can give of yourself and be the light, you can be that kind person, that person that meets everyone with friendliness, with love, with honesty, with knowledge, the wisdom of the truth, the wisdom of God, the wisdom of love.

All the religions of your world want to show the way to God and his love all the religions. They have all one mission and that is to search for and be part of God, to be part of his love, but they have different pathways. There have been many misinterpretations, miscomprehensions of the scriptures, because they have been there from ancient times, and it is time to reflect on your scriptures. All that is written must be of love. Then it is the truth. Everything else must be misconceptions, and are there for you to rectify, and when you rectify and raise the word in a spiritual context and evaluate these words from every angle, then you can decide if the word is of love or not, and if it is of love, then it is the truth, then it is the word of God, then it is the wisdom that has been received from God from ancient times. You, my friend, can find the truth of life and know that there is no death, that you create your future today, that you create your pathway in life, and that you make your own future. And your future is with God, in his love, in oneness, in his wisdom. Bring this knowledge to your world, so your world of suffering can be raised towards God’s love, towards the understanding of life, towards the truth of life, so people will know that what you do to others, you do unto yourself, so people will understand nature’s law. The law of causality is in operation every day, within yourself, within your world and in the universe. It is universal.

Be part of the mission to heal your world, bring love, bring the wisdom of God to humanity, and spirituality is the answer to find your true self, to find the path to your Father in heaven.

God is love, unconditional love and he wants to be in communion with you, with every one of you. Let God and his love be part of your life. Let love reign over your heart so you can be the light, his light on the earth plane, the future, the past and the present, the spirit within yourself, the divine spirit of God.

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22. Your Inner Voice

As you look upon the sky you see clouds passing by, clouds that are generated by the sun and the sea in an everlasting cycle and that supply you with such a beautiful sight, with rain for your nutrition and thoughts for your mind. As with the clouds, your thoughts are passing by, be it in the morning, during the day or during the night when you suddenly wake up from sleep. These thoughts are coming from somewhere within you and you reflect on them, and there is an inner voice that says to you, that serves, these thoughts of mind. When you reflect on your thoughts, you wonder where all is coming from, why you suddenly get a picture in your mind of a certain person, of a certain event or of a certain action that you had not previously been aware of. Your inner voice tells you something all of a sudden and creates a new adventure for you, wants you to travel a new pathway, wants you to reflect on something that your friends said to you earlier, or reminds you of a task that you should attend to. Your inner voice tells you when you have misbehaved towards another human being, telling you to rectify your fault, and that you have to apologise. Your inner voice tells you to reflect upon the day that is so beautiful when the sun shines and the flowers are bringing such lovely thoughts, a meadow of flowers that brings you into such a beautiful daydream that you for a moment forget about your thoughts and yourself. A friend comes by and wakes you up from your daydream, smiling at you, saying “How are you my friend?” and you have to shake off your thoughts. Your inner voice is a world of thoughts. Your inner voice is a creative force, because with it you can attend to heaven within you or attend to your troubled mind. You see my friend, your inner voice is influenced by your thoughts, by your consciousness, because your inner voice listens to your subconscious and to your conscious mind at the same time, and you have to make yourself in a position to take command of this voice and to reflect on your pathway in life.

You can make a beautiful adventure within yourself with your inner voice but then, my friend, you have to direct your thoughts towards love, towards your Father in heaven, because that is where you will receive nutrition for beautifying your inner voice. That is what Christ did. He, within his prayers, asked his Father for guidance, and so can you, my friend, you can ask God for advice, you can have God as your inner voice because he gave you the inner voice at birth, he gave you life here on earth for you to evolve, for you to develop yourself, for you to develop your inner voice, so your voice could attend to the matters of the world, could attend to other human beings so you could raise yourself and your brothers and sisters, because that is your mission on earth, the wish of your Father, to give charity and to help wherever you can, to use your inner voice for building a peaceful world within yourself and out there in the material world.

With your inner voice you can paint yourself inside out with love and that is how you achieve peace within, that is how you acquire the peaceful thought from your Father, that is how you become in oneness, in communion with God. Let God be your inner voice, because then you will know that your inner voice is of love. Listen to this voice and find your true self. Then you can be sure that you have found the presence of God within, when you receive loving and charitable thoughts for helping your fellow beings on the earth plane.

In your daily life, you have to attend the school of life, you have to attend to your tasks that are vital for you in this moment in life, either at school or at work, and the inner voice is always there telling you what to do and not to do, and I can tell you this, my friend, that when you raise yourself spiritually, you will have good advice from the messengers of God, because they try to influence you, but you have to be receptive and if your only focus is on the material life, you block yourself, you block the influence from your spirit friends, from your Father in heaven. Open up and let love prevail over your heart, because that is how you receive the wonderful wisdom from beyond.

Christ knew how to achieve communication with his Father and the world beyond. He knew how to listen to his inner voice, to discern between good advice and the passions of the earth plane, because the passions are always there trying to hold you down and that is part of the lessons that you have to partake in and to master in your earthly life. These lessons are given to you by your Father to evolve, but he is there when you seek his guidance.

You are an eternal being, and you have a knowledge within yourself, a wisdom that you can find if you seek, and your inner voice is of this wisdom, but you have to know right from wrong, because your inner voice is influenced by the thoughts that you have around you, the thoughts from evolved spirits and from undeveloped spirits, and similarly from people of the earth that are truthful or untruthful to you. My friend, you have to use your intellect, your conscious mind to reason what the truth is.
Your inner voice is there for your evolvement. You can find the right pathway in life, find your true self, but be sure that you are in communion and in oneness with your Father. Then your inner voice is of love, and then you can be sure that you are on the right track in life.

In the morning when you wake up, you may have had sweet dreams or nightmares. Reflect on your dreams. Sweet dreams, where you have met your loved ones that have passed on to the world beyond, are the truth of life, because they are still alive. When you are asleep you may travel to the spirit world and meet your loved ones, and when you remember such sweet dreams, then you can be sure that they are true. Nightmares and dreams that are not understandable to you are merely your own mind trying to sort out different aspects of life, different views that you have had, different actions that you have had, and they can be mastered by yourself, by your inner voice, because you can rectify your behaviour on earth, you can rectify your dreams when you attend to your inner voice with love with love for humanity, with love for your friends and family, with love for everyone that crosses your pathway in life. You see your inner voice is a reflection of your life, how you behave, how you misbehave, and so are your dreams, they reflect your behaviour, they reflect your life and your inner voice is a tool for you to raise yourself spiritually so you can have command over your own life when asleep and in your waking hours.

Everything is correlated in your life, so when you raise yourself spiritually and become one with your Father, then you are in his presence of love, and then you are building up your inner self, the heaven within, and beautifying yourself so your inner voice becomes beautified. Listen when you beautify yourself, because your inner voice becomes a voice that tells you to make yourself unselfish, to let go of greed and vanity, to help and be kind to everyone, to show friendliness, to be honest and truthful to yourself. When you hear that your inner voice tells you this, then you can be sure that you are on the right pathway, that you are climbing the ladder of spirituality.

When you regret your mistakes in life and your inner voice tells you how to behave, then you, my friend, are finding your true self, because your true self is of God, is of love. That is where you will find your treasure within, the treasure that you were given at birth, the divine spirit, the heaven that you can have here on earth and that is transparent in the spirit world, because what you sow here on earth, you will reap in the world beyond.

Build up this heaven and experience the beautification when on earth. You can be your true self on earth as well as in the spirit world; you can find your real self when on the earth plane. You can find the beauty within that was given to you by God at birth, and your inner voice is there whispering to you when you meet your Father in love. When you seek you shall find this beauty within, the oneness that your inner voice is searching for, because that is the wish of your Father.

Let your inner voice be of love, so you can raise yourself spiritually.

Let your inner voice be in communion with your Father.

Let your inner voice beautify your self.

Let your inner voice of God give you a life where you can fulfil yourself and be the hands of your Father when on the earth plane. Be his hands, so you can take part in the mission to heal your world.

  One World - Two dimensions - Share Spirit World Insight