Seal 7. Divinity


A Spirit World Message.

“Ye are all Gods” that you have from the ancient text. What does this saying tell us?
It says that ancient people knew their divine being. They were in communion with the spirit world and knew that there was no death. Jesus of Nazareth was one of many who knew about man’s divinity.

The veil between the spirit world and the material world is removed when you find your spiritual self and come to us in love. The Almighty Spirit blesses the communion between our two worlds. Nothing could be achieved if it was not part of his Creation.

Doctrines of religions must find their intellectual understanding. Dogmas of faith and faith only cannot be true or preside if they are against human principles, human rights, and the intellectual awareness that belongs to humans. When you in our communion experience our presence, verified, you understand that you are a spirit of God, a divine human being, and part of his divinity. Love made you; the essence of yourself is of God, which is why you are all Gods.

But you have to become love yourself to be one with your Creator. That is when you find your divinity within, heaven within yourself, as a spirit of God, the Almighty, the past, the present, the future, the eternal wisdom of the universe.

You have been a star in heaven, born by the same elements as the periodic system, the elements of nature. Through your science, God has revealed that stars die and stars are born. With God’s providence, you reincarnate on earth as a star with his love. A newborn to your world has been a star in heaven and reached a new life on earth in God’s Kingdom to find its spirituality and spiritual awareness, awakening the divine being to meet its divinity. This is a fairytale for you who do not understand life, but God’s wisdom, for you who know better, who have reached spiritual awareness and its divinity within.

As a divine being, you are of God, and his love and your love are united.

Jesus of Nazareth showed the way, but the church crucified him, crucifying love and his divinity. Now, it’s time for a new era in which the church can be a symbol of peace, a symbol of love, and its own divinity.

You, my friend, have climbed the ladder through the seven seals, and now you have the truth in front of you—the spiritual truth that love is the mightiest power in the universe because God is unconditional love, and that gives us the power to be like him, to be one in his Creation.

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Seal 6. Vision


A Spirit World Message.

I see one world.
I see a peaceful world.
I see a world where people live in harmonious conditions.
I see a world where human rights are respected.
I see a world where hunger is of the past.
I see a world of decent behavior, where poverty is brought to people’s minds so equality can reign.

I see a world where the sustainable development goals of the United Nations have been met.
My friend, the vision for your world is bright and clear and for everyone to identify themselves with.

I see a world where people have acknowledged the truth of life, that there is no death, and that we who live in the spirit world can commune so we can be one in God’s love.

The bridge between the two worlds is God’s work, and we are his hands in the spirit world as well as on earth. We are all his creations.
I see one world where the bridge is the wisdom of love, God’s light, made possible for being as one, a unity of friendship, brotherhood, and dignity, a place where human rights are the building blocks, and love unites us.

My friend, our mission for your world is manifested in the vision of the United Nations, where we are a unified body, where we have the foundation for a peaceful world, where we can reach multilateral agreements between countries when people understand themselves that there is no death, and what you made out of your life on earth becomes your reality in the spirit world.

When your physical flesh is gone, it cannot be hard to understand that what you have in your mind and soul becomes your destiny, dependent on your character, deeds, and misdeeds on earth.

Our vision is peace and love for everyone because you are equally important in the spirit world; the man in the gutter is as essential as your country’s president or king. 

Remind yourself to have a clear vision of your life and your tasks in whatever position you are in because you are here on earth to heal the world and make yourself a messenger of love.

In whatever capacity you have, even the smallest deed you can do is valuable to make this world better for everyone.

God’s providence is our mission, and I am a messenger of God.

Peace be with you.

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Seal 5. Healing


A Spirit World Message.

When you have found your spiritual self, your eye is revealed and awakened for your soul’s accomplishment on earth. The love you build up by losing yourself in service for others becomes your destiny of beauty on earth and in the spirit world.

What a remarkable healing you can give the world by helping people in poverty, the hungry, and children suffering from man’s neglect, greed, and arrogance.

When you become aware of the tragedy in your world, the misfortune, and the terrible conditions millions of people experience in their everyday lives, you can have an excellent position by shouting out loud the misfortune that so many children face while struggling for a piece of bread.

Your healing effort is of tremendous value, whether that is a sincere prayer, a helping hand, or becoming an angel of healing.

Charity is your salvation.
Charity is love for your fellow beings.
Charity is healing.

Losing yourself in service for others without compensation is the breath of life given to you for free from the start.

Healing is love, love for all, whether a human being or an animal, because we are all part of God’s creation and God’s hands on earth.

You can be a messenger of God. Everyone who partakes in the healing of your world is a messenger of God.

When you one day leave the earth and come to the spirit world, you will see the traces of yourself. Be crowned for your divinity on earth. Heal your world; that is the revelation of yourself as a messenger of God both in your world and mine.

God has given you hands to perform healing wherever you are. Provide charity for the unfortunate. That is healing in God’s image, in his wisdom.

Become God’s love on earth, and healing is love for all.

When you lose yourself in service for others, you find peace of mind; it is the only path to be at peace with yourself, the only path.

God bless you, my friend, and fulfill yourself as a messenger of God.

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Seal 4. Inception – Awakening


A Spirit World Message.

The Eye is the lamp of the body; when the Eye is healthy, the body is of light; when the Eye is bad, your body is in darkness. It is a parable by Jesus of Nazareth from the sermon on the Mount. What does this parable mean?

Jesus of Nazareth spoke about the third eye. When you have reached spiritual awareness, when you have your moral compass in order, when you have love in your heart, love for your brothers and sisters on earth, the light of love has reached your innermost being, and there is inception, an awakening of the Eye, that fills you with God’s love.

When egotism, envy, and greed are predominant, your Eye is dark and cannot fulfill you.

The Eye that you can feel in the front of your head above your eyebrows is an energy center that we in the spirit world use to control the communion between souls who seek our presence as Jesus of Nazareth did in God’s light.

You see, my friend, your third eye is a lamp for yourself in your world and the entrance for communication with the spirit world. At this very moment, we use the third eye, the Eye of the medium, to control our speech and our presence so we can be as one so you can awaken your understanding and knowledge about the Eye.

Jesus of Nazareth could not have materialized on Mount Sermon if we could not control his Eye to be in oneness with him.

Awakening the third eye becomes the bright light of yourself, and you have found your divinity.

Love is the key to awakening your third eye. Love is the mightiest power in the universe, and when you reach this power, you reach for God, the unconditional love of the universe.

We are all Gods when we have God’s love in our hearts. As you have read in ancient scriptures, “ye are all Gods.” So why the misconstrued conceptions of Jesus as the savior when he was an ordinary human being like all of us?

The Eye is open for everyone who seeks spiritual enlightenment, the love that made you.

Be advised: Seek spiritual enlightenment before the inception of your Eye because spirituality itself will awaken it—there is no need for human-made methods. Your Eye will open by itself when love reigns within your spiritual self in its nature of God.

In communication with the spirit world, you will experience the awakening of your Eye when you are ready to receive. Without opening the veil with the Eye, there will be no communication between the material and spirit worlds.

You who seek will find God’s nature revealed, which becomes your inception, the awakening of your true self.

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Seal 3. Spirit Awareness


A Spirit World Message.

Who am I? A question you have asked yourself many times in your lifetime.

You say to yourself, how can I come about?

A universal link between sperm and egg that intercepts; meets the darkness and becomes an embryo. God’s providence created you for a new life on earth. You watch yourself when you become conscious and see the elements of yourself that are crucial for your life on earth: your eyes to see the wonders of a new world, your ears which can bring you the happiness of conversations or music; a tongue and a larynx for your voice, a mouth that meets your growth potential through various food provided for by nature; a nose that smells the wonders of the Creation; feet to walk balanced by your brain; hands to work with in interaction with your intellect, such a marvelous instrument you are – a physical flesh with a heart that can send out your love.

Reflect on this, my friend. You are merely flesh if you don’t have the energy of love within that turns your heart to the origin of yourself, the spirit of love that created you, that gives you the heartbeats to exist on earth.

My friend, your heartbeats are your spirit. When you are aware of this energy and mechanism, which is provided to keep you alive, you become aware of the spirit you are, the heartbeats of love that give you life, and God’s providence.

The spirit world is a real world, a world where your spirit finds its universal position, its eternal home, God’s kingdom, and heaven within.

Spirit awareness is a revelation when you accept that you couldn’t be alive without this energy, the spirit of love that drives your physical self.

When you listen, let your heartbeats become the drum of your life. Listen carefully, my friend; you hear the words of God.

Love – Love – Love

Bring those heartbeats to the world and become love yourself.

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