A Spirit World Message.
“Ye are all Gods” that you have from the ancient text. What does this saying tell us?
It says that ancient people knew their divine being. They were in communion with the spirit world and knew that there was no death. Jesus of Nazareth was one of many who knew about man’s divinity.
The veil between the spirit world and the material world is removed when you find your spiritual self and come to us in love. The Almighty Spirit blesses the communion between our two worlds. Nothing could be achieved if it was not part of his Creation.
Doctrines of religions must find their intellectual understanding. Dogmas of faith and faith only cannot be true or preside if they are against human principles, human rights, and the intellectual awareness that belongs to humans. When you in our communion experience our presence, verified, you understand that you are a spirit of God, a divine human being, and part of his divinity. Love made you; the essence of yourself is of God, which is why you are all Gods.
But you have to become love yourself to be one with your Creator. That is when you find your divinity within, heaven within yourself, as a spirit of God, the Almighty, the past, the present, the future, the eternal wisdom of the universe.
You have been a star in heaven, born by the same elements as the periodic system, the elements of nature. Through your science, God has revealed that stars die and stars are born. With God’s providence, you reincarnate on earth as a star with his love. A newborn to your world has been a star in heaven and reached a new life on earth in God’s Kingdom to find its spirituality and spiritual awareness, awakening the divine being to meet its divinity. This is a fairytale for you who do not understand life, but God’s wisdom, for you who know better, who have reached spiritual awareness and its divinity within.
As a divine being, you are of God, and his love and your love are united.
Jesus of Nazareth showed the way, but the church crucified him, crucifying love and his divinity. Now, it’s time for a new era in which the church can be a symbol of peace, a symbol of love, and its own divinity.
You, my friend, have climbed the ladder through the seven seals, and now you have the truth in front of you—the spiritual truth that love is the mightiest power in the universe because God is unconditional love, and that gives us the power to be like him, to be one in his Creation.