Heaven on Earth – listen to or read the 58 lectures from White Bear, the Native American Leader in spirit.
Category Archives: HEAVEN ON EARTH
55. World Justice
God made your Planet Earth. He made your earth by love. He made a just world, an equitable and just world. He made Planet Earth with the resources for every child, for all the people, to have their needs fulfilled. Injustice in your world is humanmade. The hands of the people of the earth plane create injustice in your world. God made this beautiful earth, this blue planet, for you to bring forth his justice, his love for you, his love for you all, the children of the earth plane, the children of Mother Earth. You are here on the earth plane to fulfil yourself, to fulfil his task to bring love to every child on this planet.
When you look upon the earth plane and see the revelation in Mother Nature, the beauties that are there, it cannot come from nothing, it is of the creation, the creation of God made in love for you so you could find this beautiful place to raise your children, to create an atmosphere of love and peace among brothers and sisters, among nations.
The sun reveals itself to you every day, and it does not differentiate between any of you that are living on this earth plane. And that is the wisdom that you should find within yourself, the wisdom of love that God is unconditional love, that God has given everyone the opportunity to share with each other, to give to each other unconditionally.
World justice is there for you to create on earth by freedom, by equality, by charity, by the knowledge that you are one big family, a human family where everyone will have to take responsibility, will have to share responsibility for your planet to prosper, to become healthy, to bring fortune to everyone. Selfishness and inequality will only bring a gap between the poor and the rich and that is not respect for each other, that is the contrary, that is disrespect, that is dishonesty to the creation, dishonesty to your Creator, to just take care of your own desires, your own self.
To create peace and security for every child on this earth plane you have an indispensable organisation in your world: the United Nations. That is there for you all to embrace and to become in compliance with its rules for society, for a fair, equitable society, where everyone is given the same opportunities, the same challenges, the same form of development for a decent dignified life. The United Nations is there to create peace, harmony and love among its neighbours, among its nations, so all the children of the earth can have this house where they can have shelter from the abuse of systems that do not care for their citizens, where they can have shelter from cruelty and violence, from the misbehaviour of people in your world.
People do not have the knowledge that they survive the physical death, that they will meet themselves in the door in the world beyond and see what they themselves created out of their lives on earth. There is no death and this knowledge, this wisdom of life, will come to the world. You can create a world with prudence, with the precepts of the wisdom of God. Because the rule of law must be obeyed by all states, by all nations, to bring harmony, peace and a charitable life for everyone.
My friend, know this: that you are here on earth to find the balance, that you are here to help each other to find your way back to the love that you were born with, the love from your Father that you are made of, the elements of the universe, the elements of God, the power of love.
The wealthy in your world cannot bring their wealth to the world beyond, so the time is when you are on earth to share its resources so your world can find its balance, can find its compliance with nature’s laws, because, as you can see from Mother Nature, God gives everyone, every specimen, every flower, every tree, the same conditions of life, God gives everyone, every specimen, the conditions where they prosper, where they can have a peaceful life, where they can give birth to the next generation, for themselves to decay peacefully and give nutrition for the newborn seeds, so there can be a beautiful continual creation in the kingdom of Mother Nature. It is a revelation to the human race for you to see how you should take care of each other, because eventually every one of you will go to the world beyond and leave your physical body behind.
Provide a sustainable life for children that are coming after you, for the next generations, for the descendants. It is your responsibility, every one of you that can contribute to a peaceful and equitable world, a world of justice, it is your responsibility to raise your world towards love and peace, towards everyone in the human race.
The Planet Earth, your beautiful, blue planet is there for you to enjoy, for you to find a decent life where children can play and be happy and feel secure. That is what you wish for your children, that is what we all wish for our children. Then, my friend what are you waiting for? Start your mission today to create a world of peace and harmony, a world where justice prevails, justice for all.
God bless you, and God bless your mission in your world, the mission for justice.
58. Trust in God
God is love. God is pure love, unconditional love. So, my friend, when you trust in God, you trust in love. And you know that love between people creates conditions for honesty, truthfulness, for commitment, for complete confidence. Trust is love.
In your world, on the earth plane, you have the revelation of God, the love from God in every specimen, every part of Mother Nature, and you have the spirit within yourself that is of God. You see God is revealed to you every day, the love that he gave to you, to your Planet Earth, and to all his children on the earth plane, but it is there hidden within you, this beauty that he gave you at birth, as a small grain, as a seed for you to nourish, for you to bring forward to your brothers and sisters as love for your Father.
When you see the misery on your planet, the suffering and the poverty that exist, that are revealed to you through your television sets and radio channels every day, they are humanmade, they are not of God, because God is love. And what you see in your world of inhumanity is the passions of human beings that cannot control their behaviour, that have not raised themselves from the material level of being where selfishness is a major obstacle for climbing the ladder of spirituality. You are here on the earth plane to master the passions that hold you down, that prevent you from bringing clarity to mind, prevent you from the trust in God, the love that you can see in Mother Nature, because when these passions hold you down they make you blind, they conceal the truth of life, even though the revelation from your Father is up there in the daylight and everyone can see its beauties, the wonderful world that you are part of. When you meet a kind individual, an individual that cares and brings love to you and your fellow beings, you term that individual an angel, an angel of love. Well, my friend, you have angels on the earth plane, as you have in heaven, good spirits that wish you well, that bring love to your world, that bring the wisdom of God to your world. You can meet these angels on the Bridge of Love. You can meet the wisdom of God on the Bridge of Love.
We can have communion with you, we that are discarnate beings that walked upon the earth in the past. We have had the experience on the earth plane as you yourself, and we know that there is only one path to bring heaven on earth, and that is through love, that is trust in God, to trust in love.
God made you, even though it is difficult to comprehend, but when you look into the microscope and see the small cell that fertilises the egg and brings a new creation, a new human being to the earth plane, you must understand that there is more to life than you can see with your physical eyes. In the world beyond that you will take part in when you leave your physical plane, you will see the love that we create with, the love, the power of the universe. We see God and his power, because we apply this power to create our own world. We are of this power when we become love ourselves, when we become the trust, when we become in oneness of our Father and our Mother, because that is our parents, that is our Creator, that is ourselves, because we are of the same spirit, we are of God. You are all of the same spirit, but you set yourselves apart, you create separateness when you let the passions of the material plane hold you down, the passions that are of the negative sort, the passions of selfishness, greed, vanity, dishonesty. When you trust in God, you trust in love, and when you become love yourself, you become part of this power that created the universe, that created all there is. Love is everything; love is all there is, because all is made out of love.
All has been given to you on the earth plane to find the truth of life, all is there for you and your evolution to find peace and create peace and love on earth, to create a harmonious family on the earth plane for the human race.
Trust in God, trust in love and you will create a planet of love. Beautify yourself by raising yourself in love, in love for your brothers and sisters on the earth plane, so you can be a light, so you can show the way, so you can bring a peaceful and harmonious life for the next generation, for your children, for the children of God.
God bless you all, children of the earth. Make yourself beautiful. Make your earth beautiful. Make your earth into a heavenly place, a union of love for all.
You are all children of the same Father, the same Creator, the same God. You are one human family on the earth plane, and you are all part of the same spirit. God is love, trust in God.
57. Heal the world
Such a beautiful world, such a beautiful creation, so much love, that has been given to you all. And even so, people are suffering, people are living in poverty whilst others have an abundance of wealth. God has revealed to you his love for you all, through Mother Nature, through the creation of this beautiful planet, but people of the earth have not behaved according to the universal law, the universal power, the power of love, and the children on the earth are suffering. Many places in your world are miserable places for children to grow up, to find a decent life, decent work, for creating a harmonious life. And all this is due to selfishness; all this is due to the lack of love in the minds of people. There is only one way to find a better place for your world and that is through love, through the power that your Father created you all with, that you have within yourself when you search, when you give of yourself. When you care for others, then you will find this power, this love, that creates the heaven within yourself, the heaven that you can bring along to the world beyond when you leave the physical plane.
Material wealth and possessions, and the selfishness of the people of your earth create emptiness in the world beyond. Love is the key to a prosperous and a wealthy world for all, and that must be driven by the same power that your God is of, the power of the universe, and that is love.
Heal your world. Every one of you can make an effort to heal your world, by bringing love, by caring for your fellow beings, because you are all children of God, you are all one big family, and you can all contribute to a better world. Love and care for your brothers and sisters, and you can create heaven on earth; you can create heaven on earth by healing your world by love.
There was a spirit that walked upon your earth not a long time ago. He song a tune that has many tears, tears of joy to your world, because when people listen to this song they understand that it is the truth, that you are all spirits of God, that you must give of yourself, that you must care for each other, that you must love each other to heal your world, to make a better place, to make heaven on earth.
He gives his blessing to you and when you read the lyrics and listen to this song within your heart, then let this song be part of yourself and your efforts for healing your world.
Heal the world, song by Michael Jackson
Think about the generations and to say we want to make it a better world for our children and our children’s children. So that they know it’s a better world for them; and think if they can make it a better place.
There’s a place in
Your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place could
Be much
Brighter than tomorrow
And if you really try
You’ll find there’s no need
To cry
In this place you’ll feel
There’s no hurt or sorrow
There are ways
To get there
If you care enough
For the living
Make a little space
Make a better place…
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough
For the living
Make a better place
For you and for me
If you want to know why
There’s a love that
Cannot lie
Love is strong
It only cares for
Joyful giving
If we try
We shall see
In this bliss
We cannot feel
Fear or dread
We stop existing and
Start living
Then it feels that always
Love’s enough for
Us growing
So make a better world
Make a better world…
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough
For the living
Make a better place
For you and for me
And the dream we were
Conceived in
Will reveal a joyful face
And the world we
Once believed in
Will shine again in grace
Then why do we keep
Strangling life
Wound this earth
Crucify its soul
Though it’s plain to see
This world is heavenly
Be God’s glow
We could fly so high
Let our spirits never die
In my heart
I feel you are all
My brothers
Create a world with
No fear
Together we’ll cry
Happy tears
See the nations turn
Their swords
Into ploughshares
We could really get there
If you care enough
For the living
Make a little space
To make a better place…
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough
For the living
Make a better place
For you and for me
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough
For the living
Make a better place
For you and for me
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough
For the living
Make a better place
For you and for me
There are people dying
If you care enough
For the living
Make a better place
For you and for me
There are people dying
If you care enough
For the living
Make a better place
For you and for me
You and for me Make a better place
You and for me Make a better place
You and for me Make a better place
You and for me Heal the world we live in
You and for me Save it for our children
You and for me Heal the world we live in
You and for me Save it for our children
You and for me Heal the world we live in
You and for me Save it for our children
You and for me Heal the world we live in
You and for me Save it for our children
56. What a Wonderful World
Every morning you wake up to a new, beautiful day, a day created by your Father, by your Creator, by God. A day given to you every day with the sun smiling at you, giving you the sunlight for a bright new daylight, for the nature to reveal itself to you with all its beauties, with all its flowers, its green grass and trees that give you such wonderful peace within yourself. When you raise your sight toward heaven, you see the calmness of the clouds, sailing in their own rhythm, some days smoothly in calmness, and other days fast and in a hurry. But even so the sun is there, solid and permanent on the sky, letting its sunrays touch your face, creating small rainbows when you see the drops of rain falling from the sky, the drops that all of a sudden are there for you to watch on the flower, on this beautiful rose, that gives you such a wonderful scent. Take the time to explore this beautiful creation of your Father in a day where the rainbow is on the sky, is on your face, giving you such a delightful calmness of mind.
The blue ocean reflects the light and gives a picture of the stars that you can see at night in the sky. On earth you see a replica of the mind of God, the wisdom of God. It is given to you every day when you take the time to watch, to reflect on life, to reflect on your Creator of the wisdom that you have within yourself, that you can watch in his reality every day on earth.
When children are playing, are running in the meadow of flowers, picking some of the beauties there and they come to you with a smile, reaching their flowers, their hands, up to you with a bouquet of the creation of God, they are saying to you, “This is my love for you.” Listen to the little children when they sing beautiful hymns to you, hymns of love, when they pronounce the word of love and give you the creation of the Almighty Spirit that you are part of, that you were made of, the elements of the universe, the power of love, the wonderful creation on earth that gives you the wisdom of life, that gives you the wisdom of God. It is there for you to open up your heart, your inner wisdom, so you can find peace of mind, so you can find the inner tranquillity that you have within your heart if you give of yourself, if you give the love that you receive from your Father, and prolong this love to your brothers and sisters, to the children of the earth.
What a wonderful world we have received from our Father in heaven, what a wonderful creation he made for you to find a happy and prosperous life when you become love yourself, because it is when you yourself become love you become one in his creation, in oneness of his consciousness, and that is where the people of the earth should find themselves when you have climbed the ladder of spiritualty, when you have left the passions that hold you down on the material plane where you can find the revelations from God that can raise you towards his love for you, for you all, so you yourself can take part in his mission, in his love for your big family.
You are one child, every one of you, a spirit of God that was given the opportunity and the challenge to walk the earth, to walk and find the truth and your true self, so you could come back to the world beyond with a heaven of love, the heaven of beautiful flowers that you sowed on earth for your big family to prosper, for your brothers and sisters, for them to find the peace and love that you left behind yourself, that you made as a beautiful garden for them to enjoy, for them to be part of as the big human family that you are. “What a wonderful world” is an expression that you can keep in your heart, that you know is revealed to you on the earth plane, the wisdom of God. Find this wisdom within yourself, and give this wisdom to the world, the wisdom of love.
A spirit walked upon your earth plane, and his name was Louis Armstrong. Well, my friend, he is in the world beyond, but I can assure you that he is still singing the tune for the comfort of other spirits, the tune that is familiar to you, that had the title “What a wonderful world”. Let the lyrics of this song come to your heart, when you say the words within yourself.
He sends his blessing to all the children on the earth plane, by singing this tune for you once again.
What a wonderful world, song by Louis Armstrong
I see trees of green,
Red roses too.
I see them bloom,
For me and you.
And I think to myself,
What a wonderful world.
I see skies of blue,
And clouds of white.
The bright blessed day,
The dark sacred night.
And I think to myself,
What a wonderful world.
The colours of the rainbow,
So pretty in the sky.
Are also on the faces,
Of people going by,
I see friends shaking hands.
Saying, “How do you do?”
They’re really saying,
“I love you”.
I hear babies cry,
I watch them grow,
They’ll learn much more,
Than I’ll ever know.
And I think to myself,
What a wonderful world.
Yes, I think to myself,
What a wonderful world.
Oh yeah.
God bless you all.