Category Archives: EDVARD MUNCH



The pain is terrible.
The fear of death cripples my mind.
Where are my feelings?
I don’t recognize myself.

I regret!
My life was not a scourge of love.
My own fault, my own missteps.
Selfishness I could do without –
Selfishness that ruined my life.
The material took over.
That’s not who I am.

I see myself.
My life became a burden to many.
When does fear take me to death?

Will I meet my soul at the door,
Can I defend my missteps,
Can I defend my selfishness,
towards the people I have added to my burden?

Forgive me!
I didn’t know what I was doing –
I didn’t know life.
Pray for me.
Give me the love that I didn’t give.
It scares me to death!
A death struggle I would do without.

I do not deserve your prayers,
I don’t deserve your love.
I see a door open.

Farewell, my friends.
If I may call you my friends —
in this forgiving moment.
I didn’t know any better.
The knowledge of death, of life –
Taking personal responsibility were words I did not hear from the priest in our church.

Believe in me, and you are forgiven –
The knowledge came to me in the death struggle.
I see myself.
My own self.
Death’s body is abandoned.

Munch in the spirit,
Communicated from the Spirit World – July 5, 2022
Translated from Norwegian – Dødskamp

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I am the son of man.
Expressionist art is my self-image.
Sorrow, despair and melancholy.
The warlike and the melancholic.
The love for my neighbour.
Evolution created us as man and woman.

Deception of the mind.
The pompous splendour –
The Pompous Suit –
Hides human discomfort, degradation.

Nudity is in God’s spirit –
Show who we are.
Creatures from God’s diversity.
Crucified – a metaphor in my time.
The expressionist crucified, mocked, ridiculed, jealousy –
A frieze of life in its glory.

Before Abraham, I was.
No, a reality—a spirit older than the earth—
A place in evolutionary history.

Life as an artist,
Crucified dead and buried,
Risen from the dead,
And at once a poet from the kingdom of heaven.

Son of God,
child of God,
sons and daughters,
By the Almighty Spirit.
Love was crucified,
The love for our neighbour.

A truth from history,
A truth today.

Time heals all wounds.
God’s love hovers over the earth.
Your love.
Our love.
We are one in God’s creation.

Edvard Munch in Spirit,
Communicated from the Spirit World

  One World - Two dimensions - Share Spirit World Insight


A human – traumatized, apathetic.
The wounds of the soul do not heal.
The murderer’s face reflects a diabolical act.
A mind in the dark, alone, abandoned.

To deprive a person of life impairs oneself –
one’s soul.

In my world,
In the spirit world, the murderer is lost in his mind;
A world in poverty, a poor soul –
A psychotic state – wailing, broken –
The same fate the murderer inflicted on his
brother, sister and family on earth.

My advice!
Make up for yourself while you are still alive on earth.
Help your neighbour, tell the truth –
So your soul can find the light again –
The love of God that you were once born with.

Don’t run blind; admit your wrongdoing!

Edvard Munch in spirit,
Communicated from the spirit world – July 14, 2022
Translated from Norwegian – Morderen

  One World - Two dimensions - Share Spirit World Insight


To embrace life is to embrace oneself, one’s soul.
Death and life are one world, many lives, and several dimensions.
The diamond must be cut – life is your soul.

Reincarnation is a truth.
Does the Church know nothing?
False dogmas.

Religions have created blasphemy.
God is love.
There is no wrath in God’s creation.

Jesus of Nazareth could not die for our misdeeds.
It is blasphemy.
Jesus showed the way to love –
A man of love –
An ordinary person like you and me.

To embrace death when your day comes is the love of God.
A blessing that everyone is given.
No religion can deprive man of God’s presence.

Souls are ready for a new life on earth.
Souls who wish to share in the fertility of the Earth –
The obligation of the next generations to preserve God’s creation –
Your masterpiece, for better or for worse.

The soul’s journey from one dimension to another –
From one universe to another.
God’s blessing – to ultimately become one with your Creator.

God bless you all.

Edvard Munch in Spirit
Communicated from the Spirit World – July 7, 2022
Translated from Norwegian – Døden og Livet

  One World - Two dimensions - Share Spirit World Insight

Edvard Munch

Samtidsdikt av Edvard Munch,
Kommunisert fra åndeverden 28 – 29. oktober 2021

Forord ved Arnulf Øverland som skrev boken “Edvard Munch” i 1920 -Tilgjengelig på Nasjonalbiblioteket, les den her

Et forord

En sann kunstner,
Et ansikt av åndelighet.
Smerte, sorg, lidenskap,
sjalusi, depresjon, melankoli,
kjærlighet – livets faser
livets høydepunkt,
livets farse.

Kjærlighetens sti finner mange veier.
Et drama, en komposisjon,
et musikkstykke som levner ingen tvil
om kjærlighetens spennvidde.

Solen skinner i universitetets aula,
historien fortelles,
forskningen utkjempes.
Er vi blitt klokere?
Har vi vunnet innsikt i oss selv,
av maleriene?
Kunsten har gitt en dimensjon av oss selv,
som vi ikke kan være foruten?

Edvard Munch øste av seg selv,
sin lidenskap, sin kjærlighet for livet.
Dype inntrykk forkastet –
en gal mann eller et geni?
Du kan selv avgjøre med din egen psykose –
fra det muntre kjærlige sommerbildet
til depresjonens skrik.

Kjærlighetens kvinne, – Madonna i sin prakt.
Det syke mennesket, dødelig –
som vi alle er på denne jorden,
der du finner livets gaver, gitt oss alle; –
livets kjærlighet, Guds kjærlighet for å finne oss selv,
vinne selvinnsikt,
finne barnet i oss som ble til et menneske,
et fullendt menneske fylt av begjær, sjalusi,
lidenskap og kjærlighet.

Vi har alle i oss livets fasetter –
en diamant som skal slipes,
som en dag skinner prektig under Guds himmel,
ett i skapelsen, et evig liv, reinkarnert for å lære,
for å gi oss hen i melankoliens verden,
for dernest å stå opp fra de døde som et nytt menneske,
en evig ånd, – mange malerier fra ulike år,
fra fortid, nåtid og fremtid.

Fra asken står vi frem i lyset, –
solens monumentale kraft som sprer lyset, –
vårt eget lys til våre medmennesker.
Det er kjærligheten vi gir, –
kjærligheten for vår neste.
Det er Edvard Munchs budskap gjennom hans kunstverk.

Arnulf Øverland i ånden, kl. 15:00 – 15:15
29. oktober 2021

  One World - Two dimensions - Share Spirit World Insight