A Spirit World Message.

When I left my physical body, when I died from the physical plane of life, I entered the spirit world from Planet Earth. When you cross the border between life and death, it is impossible to return to your physical flesh and become life again; resurrection is impossible.

The transition to the world where I now abide is a reality. I am alive, my spirit survived and revived, and I am still Kofi Annan. Souls in spirit will acknowledge who I am, they can see and watch my physical nature of another vibration, but still, a handshake is a handshake, a hug is a hug, a kiss is still a sweet memory that you can turn alive whenever you so wish.

The material world, your world, is transparent to the spirit world. We live in a world that is quite similar to Earth because souls, our ancestors, built the spirit world, and when we arrive, we can watch and live in a world that we feel ourselves acquainted with from Earth. Let us say that the spirit world is a replica of your world without decay, a world of beauty, magnificent colours, wonderful music. We can speak to each other as we did on Earth, but Telepathy allows us to cross language barriers. We communicate by thoughts, and thoughts become a reality. That is why your mind that you build on Earth is critical because your mind becomes your reality. That is not to say that you can’t watch and admire God’s art, the universal elements of life, here as you could, when on Earth.

However, you receive exactly what your mind has created for you, what you with your behaviour on Earth could materialise.

In my complementary messages for the 21st century, I have delivered the realities that your lives on Earth will bring about in the spirit world. Inhuman behaviour towards your fellow citizens, fellow beings, your family on Earth will create a mind of disaster, but I will not repeat myself; the messages are there to read, to understand.

Love is the guiding principle of the spirit world, as it is for the United Nations. We care for our family on Earth; we care for every child born on this beautiful planet to live a life to learn, meet challenges, opportunities, a life to find your real self, the true essence of your innermost beings, the spirit that survives death.

I enjoy life in the spirit world. When I entered this new door, this new life, I was met by family members, friends and colleagues. It was a warm welcome.

God’s love is for everyone; no one is to be left behind; even the most inhuman characters on Earth are cared for because love made us. Come to this world prepared, love your neighbour as yourself, be kind, be helpful, be just, find the love given to you at birth, and share it with your siblings, with your family on Earth, because every child is your brother and sister. Difficult to reason on Earth, but I can assure you that this is the reality you will experience in the spirit world.

Well, I am still available for questions from people on Earth who want to find the truth, who want to have guidance from the spirit world.

God bless you all.

  One World - Two dimensions - Share Spirit World Insight



A Spirit World Message.

Collaboration among governments, corporations, and civic groups is essential for building strong partnerships to meet the sustainable development goals of the United Nations.

The wealth of your world is in few hands. Developing countries need debt relief, developing assistance, technology, open markets, and trade opportunities for sustainability and ending hunger and poverty.

For developed countries, open markets and trade is a natural thing. Developing countries have barriers; firstly, they have unfortunate situations where climate change has had a detrimental effect on agriculture, small farming that many developing countries are dependent on. Secondly, they represent a formidable resource, unused and for economic growth. Instead of only hand-outs, you can provide access to markets to develop their farmland, factories of manufacturing of commodities that they can generate from their resources, natural resources. Lastly and as importantly, the impact of climate gas emissions have raised massive obstacles for their lives, environmental changes, both on sea and land; floods, droughts, wildfires which must be compensated for. The developed countries economic growth and wealth have been on their premises.

We have to collaborate to build strong partnerships for raising developing countries to sustainable development.

Gross inequality, make that history. We are in the same boat at sea. We need to master the weather conditions we are exposed to and dependent on to reach shore safely. I am trying to tell you that the wealth in few hands, accumulated by economic growth, unequally shared, has no value neither on Earth nor in the spirit world if you cannot manoeuvre the boat to shore.

The wealth of the world, the resources that have been accumulated over time is not humane; it is selfish desires. It doesn’t feel good to see poverty, hunger – and with the miserable conditions for the many hungry children, the rich food that this planet gives you doesn’t taste good.

As Nelson Mandela said, you cannot find peace, true peace, before poverty and hunger is eradicated. I can assure you that we are human beings after death having the same disappointment with the conditions of your world.

Peace comes to your world when all people have received sustainability, sustainable lives – we the peoples.

  One World - Two dimensions - Share Spirit World Insight



A Spirit World Message.

Human rights are fundamental for all on Earth; human rights give a decent, just and fair, sustainable life for everyone.

The conflicts the wars on Planet Earth are human-made. When political interests overshadow and prevail over human rights, politics is on the wrong track, hinders human life and prosperous life for all. We all have seen atrocities committed by human beings, crimes against humanity, genocide, terrorism, child abuse, war crimes and crimes of aggression towards independent states of sovereignty. The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court established the ICC in 1998. Individuals accused of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity would be held accountable for their acts and inhuman behaviour.

The genocide in Rwanda, the slaughtering of people in Bosnia, Srebrenica, were the forerunners to establishing this vital legislative institution for preventing crimes against humanity in the future.

I was sent as an envoy by the United Nations to the war in Syria, where political interests were too important for human rights to be fulfilled. The United Nations’ security council is a throttle that can prevent disasters to our family on Earth. Political interests must give way where human rights are violated.

When abiding in the spirit world, I can say this; you who do not fulfil your obligations of human rights towards humanity, preventing disasters that are inevitable due to war crimes, will meet punishment in the spirit world. Your mind will recall your actions that caused miserable conditions, death and unliveable conditions for people, and your mind will haunt you. It is an unavoidable punishment in the spirit world. But you can change. You who feel guilty of previous behaviour, you can change because charity is your salvation. Ending hunger and poverty will release you from the severe pain that you brought to life to your mind.

People who live in severe pain in the spirit world, due to their inhumanity when on Earth, do not see the beauties of my world. The magnificence of the spirit world has vanished because your mind takes control over your destiny, a destiny you created for yourself. Whatever you have committed of wrongdoings on Earth can be atoned for while on Earth. See to that your atonement is fulfilled before you enter the threshold of physical death. Your spirit survives death, and your mind becomes your reality.

You can find peace in the spirit world by living a just life, a decent life where you gave yourself in service for your family on Earth, for humanity.

Reverse any decision that is not of justice, love and care for everyone because we are all of the same rights as equal human beings, having the rights for a sustainable, peaceful and just life.

  One World - Two dimensions - Share Spirit World Insight



A Spirit World Message.

The biodiversity of Planet Earth is unprecedented in God’s creation. Human life is unprecedented. Life is a collective force made out of love, the building blocks of the universe. Life is God-given. It is precious and for you to care for, to sustain in every capacity you have as a human being. That is a life-given responsibility bestowed on you who are of this generation on Earth.

Life on land is met by challenges of deforestation, loss of biodiversity, wildlife crimes, and lack of knowledge of what life is all about. People on Earth lack the basic understanding that life on Earth is part of your eternal life, and you are here to learn, meet the challenges, and raise humanity to higher levels of understanding. I speak from the spirit world. I didn´t know when on Earth what I know today. But I knew that we had to eradicate hunger and poverty for humanity to survive and find decent lives. I knew we had to educate people so all could learn right from wrong and find their creative force in writing, and before writing, we all must learn to read.

We are all part of the evolution to enhance our spirits, find the love given to us at birth and share it with our fellow beings, our family on Earth.

Climate challenges give the perspective of life on land and that you have to work together to tackle the inherent problems that greenhouse gases bring of misfortune to so many people on Earth. You observe the perspective of inequality when you see the disasters of what climate change causes to land of floods, droughts, wildfires, hunger, displacement of people, migration of millions who have lost all they had aside from their dignity as human beings.

Love and care are the guiding principles of the United Nations, the principle of your spirit, that is, of God. Find the spirit within you that keeps you alive, the engine of yourself, that serves your heart, the heartbeats of life, because your soul is of the exact origin as all people on Earth, as in heaven, in the spirit world. We are all of the same importance in the eyes of the Almighty spirit because we are all his children. We are one family who needs to collaborate for gender equality, for a sustainable life, where gross inequality becomes history.

Be of service to one another; find your mutual platform for sustainability. We are of God, all of us, regardless of religions, race, ethnic belonging, gender, wealthy or poor. Prepare a dignified life for all, no one above nor below; we are equal as human beings.

Life is precious; the Planet Earth is your home, the people of the world is your family.

  One World - Two dimensions - Share Spirit World Insight



A Spirit World Message.

I watch Planet Earth, this beautiful blue planet. The blue oceans that cover 70% of the Earth´s surface is a source of life at your disposal, for your sustainability, for your blue economy.

Harvesting from the oceans has provided people of the Earth a sustainable life throughout the ages. Climate change, however, brings forth higher temperatures, increased sea level, and acidification, which is detrimental to marine life. Climate change will eventually destroy marine life if you do not provide limitations of greenhouse gas emissions.

The ocean absorbs a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions, but the acidic level is rising, impacting the ecological system below water. The greenhouse effect drives the sea to extreme weather conditions that give hurricanes and floods, bringing cities out of balance and driving nature to imbalance.

Oceans are precious treasures you have to care for that give fisheries on the coastline in developing countries such as the African continent vital food security. Harvesting from the seas reduces hunger and poverty and provides a sustainable life for people.

The exploitation of the oceans is to be regulated by nations to maintain the ecological systems, to prevent overfishing and destruction of habitats and coral Reeves. Responsible harvesting is a key to sustainability.

The world of seafood is your security, your food supply. The blue economy affects the sustainable goals of ending hunger and poverty.

The waste in today’s world, oceans littered with plastics, is devastating to marine life. Use other forms of packaging, restrict the use of plastics that eventually find their way to the oceans and lead to disasters of this beautiful but fragile and vulnerable ecological system. You have the technology and the means to end pollution.

A sustainable marine life is a goal for all, to bring nature back into order so you one day can watch Planet Earth and the magnificent oceans from space, from where I now view the beautiful blue treasures of your world.

  One World - Two dimensions - Share Spirit World Insight